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Aerial Services
Data Analytics
Feature Extraction
Spatial Modeling
Geotech Support
Temporal Analysis
Case Studies
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Elevate team flying to a project site via helicopter in Alaska.
Helicopter equipment drop.
Heli drop to project site.
One of Elevate's sUAS onsite and working.
Preparing to launch in Alaska.
Elevate lunch break while onsite in Alaska.
sUAS and Elevate team in action in Alaska.
Elevate pre-flight checks of the Harris H6 sUAS.
Final check before take-off.
Harris H6 in flight.
H6 evening flight in Alaska.
GPS station and remote power supply when working in the wilds.
Elevate and our flight control station while on-site.
Roofs and parking garages make great take-off and landing zones.
Elevate's Flight Operations Team preparing for another day of collection.
Watercraft used to provide observation and launch platform.
Landslide in Alaska. Elevate provided emergency observation and support.
Natural disaster response is a perfect use of sUAS technology.
Elevate preparing to conduct work on a roadway.
sUAS flight planning software in preparation of a project.
A view from the cockpit.
View from the equipment operations center during fixed-winged data collections.
The Phoenix
Fixed-wing collection over the Mendenhall Glacier in 2024.
On approach to the Mendenhall Glacier in Alaska.
Imaging ice above the Mendenhall Glacier.
LiDAR collection over the Mendenhall Glacier.
2020 Haines Road, Alaska debris flow
Haines Road, Alaska blocked by debris flow in 2020.
2020 debris flow and the damage to local buildings.
Elevate onsite to assist with emergency work on the Haines Road debris flow.
Preparing sUAS for emergency flight.
Example of a ground control point (GCP) in the field.
Objects visible in the data collection, such as this water valve cover, can be used as GCPs.
Checking a GCP on a roadway.
Installing a GCP.
Evening in the field. Alaska 2021.
Evening in the field. Alaska 2021.
Evening in the field. Alaska 2022.
Flying in Hawaii, 2024.
Data collection along a roadway in Hawaii.
Collecting data in Hawaii over a waterfall.
Prepared for lift-off along roadway in Hawaii.
View from our sUAS. Hawaii roadway data collection.
GPS base station in Hawaii.
Survey marker in the sunset of Hawaii.
Flight plan for data collection using a sUAS.
Data collection gear under cover during a light rain while on site.
Taking a break to enjoy the sea.
Seaside flight for coastal management data.
Island hop with data collection gear.
Collecting imagery data in Texas.
Using our sUAS to image a historical feature on a steep slope of a creek.
sUAS base magnetometer data collection.
Using the Sensys R3 magnetometer in Texas. Great option for low altitude work.
A real "remote" data collection job. Elevate uses satellite data uplinks when needed.
View from the eyes of our Flight Operations Team.
View from our sUAS. Wide open spaces.
Is it work or a video game?
Waiting for weather to clear for data collection.
Setting up our base stations on site.
On site traffic. Might be a while before this one moves out of the way.
Working in beautiful Wyoming.
Canyon data collection in Wyoming.
Flight control monitoring during a LiDAR collection.
Looks like the rain has stopped, back to flying!
What our sUAS "sees" when it wakes up on a job site.
View from our sUAS. Flight around a port in Alaska.
View from our sUAS. Alaskan port.
View from our sUAS. Coming in for a landing.
Coastal erosion data collection in Hawaii 2024.
Our sUAS over the jungles in Hawaii. LiDAR is great in these conditions.
Sunset in Hawaii after a long day.
View from our sUAS as it returns home after a long day.
There could be worse places for a base of operations.
Prepping for operations...not building a sandcastle.
Our sUAS "surfing" in Hawaii 2024.
Hazards of remote sensing.
Hazards of remote sensing.
Hazards of remote sensing.
Hazards of remote sensing.